How to Take Care of a New Baby in 5 Simple Steps

When a new family member arrives home, the adjustment period for all the household members begins. Family life turns 180 °, and in the first days and weeks, everything revolves around a new family member and of course moms.

The newborn mostly sucks and sleeps. When awake, a healthy newborn can be calm and relaxed, or awake and motor very active, or awake with crying. When the newborn is hungry, cries loudly, with chin often trembling, which is a physiological phenomenon. During deep sleep, breathes steadily.

But when dreams or wakes, breathes unevenly, sometimes with shorter pauses. Occasionally, body and arm twitches occur, with the spread of the fingers, especially in response to strong sounds or vibrations of the floor. This is normal, though a baby who has had a birth rate of less than eight, and often jerks for no apparent reason – should still be examined by a doctor. Sneezing at an early age is generally not a sign of a cold, but a reflex activity triggered by some external stimulus (for example, bright light).

The panic and fear that all parents experience when they bring their newborn, especially if it is the first one, to the home is impossible to avoid, but neonatologists say there is no reason to worry if they follow the instructions they receive on discharge from the hospital. We will also give you some tips that will make your life easier if you stick to them.

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At the beginning

When you bring your newborn home, life completely changes. The baby can turn day and night, she will constantly ask to eat and sleep until she is a little older. Life can be very chaotic – you sleep when you catch time, you eat when you remember, you bathe if you are lucky. However, here’s one tip: Babies love the routine. They give a certain rhythm and predictability to their day. The routine gives them a foundation, a structure, so their days don’t look so spontaneous. That means you, the parents, can start creating your own routine, too.

Quite simply, start with sleep rituals, which, in the beginning, will reduce your anxiety and nervousness. Predictable daytime naps will give you a break so you don’t have to be “on” all the time. Yet, while routine helps parents maintain control, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out when and how to set one up. It is virtually impossible to put her on a daily nap, and the first few months the baby needs care when requested, so the meal routine won’t work either, but try as best you can to match her rhythm.

No visits for the first 40 days

Relatives and friends of the family want to see the newborn immediately, but doctors point out that visits to a large number of people are not recommended within the first 40 days, especially not at the same time.

It is thought that 40 days will take a woman to recover from childbirth and the baby needs just as much time to adapt. Also, the child is thus protected from infection, so that within the first month only the nearest relatives can visit him. All those approaching the baby must first wash their hands well and be healthy.


In the early days, the baby will eat very little (40-80g milk per meal), but often. Her stomach is still very small. Some will want to suck every 2-3 hours while some will be hungry more often. How do you know when your baby is hungry? She can tell you this in a number of ways: crying more or more subtly – she will try to put her hand in her mouth, lick it, or simply turn her head towards her breast.

Don’t be surprised by the original weight loss – newborns in the early days can lose about 7% of their weight. While this is quite normal, it is important to feed every 2-3 hours until she regains weight and continues to gain weight. Babies love to sleep in the early days, but don’t hesitate to wake your baby up for a nap. A little push on the cheek will be enough to encourage her to eat. If she doesn’t respond easily, try stripping her to a diaper, massaging her head or back a little, or talking to her. Remember that you have one goal – to get your baby back to birth weight by the next examination!

The best way to feed your baby in the first months is breast milk! In order to be serious about breastfeeding, in addition to your calorie reserve, an additional dietary intake of up to 500kcal per day is required. In addition to a higher energy requirement, breastfeeding also increases the need for protein, some mineral salts (especially calcium, phosphorus, copper and zinc) and vitamins. If you are looking for the best breast pump check out this review.

Bottles are very important, regardless of whether you do not have enough milk, so you have to feed that way or store your own milk for later. You need to pay close attention to the bottle cleaning, and what are the best sterilizers you can find here.

Bathing without stress

Bathtub bathing usually begins when the baby’s umbilical cord heal. Newborn bathing routine is the most important preparation. Before you even touch her, prepare everything you need: a bath, a towel, soap, a plastic hair rinse, lotion, cream, diapers. Bend the towel in half and spread it across the floor.

Put her down there when you’re done bathing. Then fill the tub with a little warm water and test it on the inside of the wrist to see if it is too hot. Put a towel in the tub and add some soap. When you have finished bathing, gently grasp the baby under her armpits with both hands and place it on a towel. Quickly wrap it and then take it to bed.

Going to sleep

When a newborn sleeps 16 hours during the day but wakes up every two hours to eat, it can be a bit of a “crazy” sleep routine. Still, give it a try. Behave differently during the day than during the night. Play and go for walks throughout the day. And when your baby wakes up no matter how you set the routine, be quiet. Feed her and bring her back to sleep. She’ll start to realize it’s bedtime.

Choose a reasonable time, e.g. seven pm, and choose three or four things you would like to do each night. Dress her in pajamas, sing songs, read a book, or massage your baby. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, as long as it relaxes all of you, and as long as you do it every night at the same time. You give signs that the baby will learn to follow.


Listen to tips and strive to enjoy, not just worry. Because it’s one of the most beautiful moments in your life, so don’t ruin it.