8 Pros and Cons of Deadlifting

There are so many different types of exercises, that even the best coaches don’t know everything. But there are also those exercises that even every newbie in the gym knows. These are for example bench press, squat, pull-up as well as deadlift. However, while squatting and bench press are already part of the workout at the first training session in the gym, the deadlift has the reputation of very complicated and even dangerous exercises. Although of course it is a bit more complex, most people have a misperception about it.

Deadlift, like all other compound exercises, should not be avoided, but on the contrary, the whole training process should focus on compound ones. If you don’t know, compound exercises are those exercises where several muscle groups are activated at the same time and that is exactly why they are so good. So that the various misconceptions you can read on the Internet do not deter you from doing a deadlift, read the proven pros and cons of deadlifting.

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Types of deadlift

But first, let’s explain you a few of the most common types of the deadlift. There are many more, but these are the ones you need to know. You have to know those types, so you can implement it in your training process properly.

1. Conventional deadlift

Source: powerliftingtechnique.com

Conventional ones you can do with dumbbells or barbells, as well as most variations of this exercise. What you will use depends primarily on you, whether it is easier for you to hold dumbbells or a barbell. The conventional one is the first version that every coach will show you and consists of three phases. The first stage is to position yourself in the correct position where you did the hip hinge and set the barbell so that it almost touches your lower leg. After that, you take the bar with both hands and use the strength of the lower part of the body to lift it. At the top, you pause for a second and squeeze your glutes. It is best for someone to monitor you when you work for the first time or record it, to see if you have certain deviations in technique.

2. Sumo deadlift

The difference between sumo and conventional deadlifts is that you will take a much wider stance here, so your feet will not be shoulder-width but will be positioned wider. Sumo targets other muscle groups primarily and also allows you to lift more weight than with conventional technique. Visit garagegympro.com and find more information about it. Sumo targets other muscle groups primarily and also allow you to lift more weight than with conventional technique.

We advise you to increase the weights you lift very slowly and never do it abruptly. Because you can get hurt and that’s why deadlift has bad reputation. Also, if you plan to lift very heavy loads, you should have all the necessary equipment. First of all, deadlift shoes will give you stability. If you are planning to buy such shoes, click here and read the reviews.

3. Romanian deadlift

Source: outlift.com

It is often called a stiff-legged or straight leg. From the name, it is clear to you what is the primary difference compared to conventional and sumo. This type is made to strengthen primarily hamstrings, so less weight is used. Although of course, it activates all muscle groups, it is still not as compound as the previous two versions we mention.


1. Strengthening the whole body

Probably no exercise strengthens the whole body the way a deadlift does. You will primarily strengthen the hamstring and lower back, which is called the posterior chain and is crucial for proper body posture. But you will also strengthen your whole legs, then your grip, as well as your whole back. No other exercise activates so many different muscles.

It’s good for runners to do the deadlift. As well as being helpful for strengthening your back muscles, deadlifting strengthens your glutes and hamstrings. This enables you to apply more force as your foot strikes the ground and your leg moves into the extension to propel you forward. Basically, the deadlift exercise helps strengthen the muscles that push you forward as you run, allowing you to run faster and longer. Therefore, professional runners or enthusiasts will add hard-pulling training to their regular training. As well, if you need to organize a running event or another event, the prize set is undoubtedly important. Customize now at GS-JJ.com to have the perfect medal designed by you.

2. Helps with fat burning

Source: popsugar.com

Most people have the excess fat they want to get rid of. Although for a long time various aerobic exercises have been the most popular way to lose weight, lifting weights, and especially compound exercises, has been proven to be the most effective. In addition to accelerating fat burning during the workout itself, the fat burning effect also continues in the hours after you finish the workout. This is exactly the difference compared to aerobics, where fat burning only lasts during the activity.

3. Helps with daily activities

For all those who don’t want to do a deadlift, just tell them that every time you tie shoelaces you are actually doing the same movement. When we compare all the exercises we do in the gym, deadlift is by far the most useful for real life. We should learn to lift everything even outside of the gym by using that movement, for example when we move and carry boxes and the like. Rest assured that for real life you won’t need a movement like a bench press, but you will deadlift and squat every day.

4. It does not require a lot of equipment

All you need is a barbell or dumbbell. So now during a pandemic, when you can’t go to the gym, you can also do it at home. You don’t need expensive fancy machines.

5. It also improves cardiovascular abilities

Deadlift not only improves the strength of your whole body but also cardiovascular abilities. While doing repetitions, since it is a demanding exercise, you will also expose your heart to stress, which will eventually lead to an improvement in cardiovascular abilities.


1. May cause injury

Source: menshealth.com

But when we think about it, any exercise can lead to injuries. The most important thing is to perform the correct movement and that the weight is proportional to our strength. Then the possibility of injury is the same as when we do anything else.

2. No eccentric control

The eccentric or negative phase of a lift is the part when we lower the weight. It is also a very important part of the lift, some even consider it even more important than the concentric. When we do a deadlift, it is practically impossible to have eccentric control, because our weight and body position prevents us from doing so. So you will lack the negative phase.

3. You can lift more than is realistic

If you don’t have anyone to suggest to you how to do it, you can make a mistake and load the barbell too much. And why are you going to do that? Well because it seems to you that you can and that is somewhat true. But the question is can you do it with proper body mechanics?  We ask you that question because you can lift, but probably with such bad mechanics that it will lead to injuries. There lies the danger and you must stay away from it.


The deadlift is a fantastic exercise that should be part of the workout for both men and women. What matters is that someone teaches you how to do it right and not strain your body beyond your limits.