Types Of Skin And How To Take Care Of It

There is a lot of talk about skin care, treatments that rejuvenate and restore the skin’s distinctive youthful glow and appearance, masks that are effective and hydrate the skin making it supple. We also talked about the appearance of wrinkles, factors that affect aging, and ways to slow it down. All this involves adequate care, and in order for it to be truly appropriate, it needs to be in line with our type.

Below, find out all about the types, their characteristics, and how to determine what type your face belongs to.

There are different types, which are generally known to us all – normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive skin, and it is very important to recognize which type we belong to, and in order to determine this, we need to know what are the main characteristics of these types.


It should also be noted that the type can change depending on the age, so for young people it is more characteristic of normal skin type than for the elderly, but also during the puberty and teenage years it is very common problematic and sensitive due to hormonal changes. Of course, in addition to genetic predispositions, what kind of skin you will have is influenced by external factors, how hydrated you are, your lifestyle habits, etc.

Basically, this is a breakdown by type, basic characteristics and methods of recognition:

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This sort is characterized by very little imperfection, very poor pore visibility, a fresh complexion, and generally low sensitivity to various allergens and external factors. The very name “normal” refers to being well balanced – neither too greasy nor too dry. So, those who belong to this type have a smooth and soft skin, without visible traces of blackheads, as well as a uniform complexion. Don’t ask for some overly demanding care – of course, you should always choose cosmetic products by sort, and if you belong to this type, you can consider yourself lucky.



This sort is recognized for its extended pores, oily glow and thicker facial skin, as well as problems with mitters, pimples and other defects. The easiest way to determine whether you belong to this type is by oily traces, as the main characteristic, most noticeable on the forehead, chin, and around the nose. It is also problematic that persons with this one, not only these regions are oily, but also the entire surface of the facial skin, and very often they also have a problem with oily hair. What causes oily skin?

This phenomenon is actually due to increased secretion of sebum – a compound of lipids created and secreted by sebaceous glands in the dermis, and the causes can be different – hereditary factor, poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalance, as well as wrong skin care. Oily facial skin requires constant and adequate care with appropriate cosmetics.



You will best recognize this by the following characteristics – poorly visible pores, reduced elasticity, frequent red marks, more visible and deeper wrinkles, as well as a rough surface, significantly reduced elasticity, of course due to dehydration. It often happens that it has cracked, dandruff, as well as problems with itching and irritation, which can be a very unpleasant dermatological but also aesthetic problem.

The cause, unlike the previous type, is the insufficient secretion of sebum, which leads to desiccation, so people who have dry, as well as those with oily, need special and constant care – this time one that hydrates and provides enough moisture. Factors as well as your habits that can have a significant impact on your appearance are genetics, excessive exposure to wind, cold weather, UV radiation, long hot water baths, steam heating, consumption of certain drugs, etc.

We advise that if you have dry one, practice shorter ones, once a day, showering, use baths that are mild and non-drying, do not irritate by extra drying, and well-hydrated every time after a shower – adequate care is key! This website can help you with anti aging program.



Combined type means a combination of characteristics of all types. What is probably the most specific is the so-called. T zone – oily on the area of the chin, nose and forehead, so this area requires customized and different care compared to other parts of the face. You will recognize this type by more open pores, also oily and glossy marks, but not to the extent that is the case with oily.

So, the skin of the face is greasy only in some parts, while in others it may be normal or dry. In areas where it is oily, it is prone to blackheads and pimples. If you belong to this sort, you must be careful when choosing cosmetic products and treat each part separately depending on whether it is oily, dry or normal in classification and characteristics.



As the name implies, it implies a high degree of sensitivity and response to various stimuli. Characteristic are the appearance of redness, itching, inflammation, as well as dry parts. The sensitive type is perhaps the most sensitive to the problems it entails, as it includes people with certain conditions such as eczema, rosacea and the like.

Simply, the skin is very easily irritated, and the advice is to be very careful when choosing treatments and cosmetics, because the sensitive one most often reacts precisely to the chemical composition of cosmetic products intended for skin care.



A very healthy thing to do with vitamin D absorption, but potentially dangerous. When staying outside in sunny weather, even if you are not at sea, dress appropriately. This involves light reflecting light clothing, preferably long sleeves. It is advisable to have a hat on your head and be sure to wear sunglasses.

As for sun protection creams, they should be given special attention by people pale complexion and children, as they are the most sensitive. Without creams, it will turn red if they are longer in the sun, and painful burns can occur. That is why it is very important to stay away from the bright sun during this period until it gets a little pigment.



Now that we know the characteristics in theory, here’s a little help with how you can determine with certainty which type you belong to:

After cleansing your face and washing with water, do not apply any cosmetics and wait an hour for it to return to its natural state. After that, its peculiarities will be manifested – tightening, or oily traces, as well as other characteristics mentioned above in the text, so you will easily determine which sort you belong to.